Dar Al Yasmine

5 products

  • Ages 9-12
5 products
Illustration of Karma looking for her apricot pencil among colorful school supplies.
Illustration of Karma looking for her apricot pencil among colorful school supplies.
Karma Karamela: Who took my orange pen?/ كرمة كاراميلا: من اخذ قلمى المشمشي؟
Illustration of Karma Karamella and her cat laughing with milk circles around their faces.
Illustration of Karma Karamella and her cat laughing with milk circles around their faces.
Karma Karamela: A big problem/ كرمة كاراميلا: مشكلة كبيرة
Illustration of Karma holding golden coin chocolates, looking thoughtful with her classmates nearby.
Illustration of Karma holding golden coin chocolates, looking thoughtful with her classmates nearby.
Karma Karamela: The girl of the golden liras/ كرمة كاراميلا: فتاة الليرات الذهبية
The Hoopoe’s Return / عودة الهدهد

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